Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stewpot Opportunity Center

Some members of our class will be volunteering with Jackson Street Ministries on Wednesday night, December 15.  Here is how everything is going to shake out...we will leave the church (in our own vehicles) on wed. night around 7:30pm. We will travel to the parking lot of FBC Jackson where we will meet up with other volunteers from other area churches. Everyone is expected to be there by 8:15-8:20pm. (Please feel free to meet at FBC Jax without coming to our church). 

Malcolm Woody, who leads Jackson Street Ministries, will lead us in a short time of prayer, then we will travel (probably in our own cars or possibly in one of their vans) to the Opportunity Center.  At the OC, we will work with approx. 40 other volunteers to pass out water and sandwiches to around 120 people who regularly show up for this type of assistance.

Based on Malcolm's comments, we will be through at the OC around 9:30pm and free to leave.  Some additional volunteers (not our group) will then leave the OC and travel to designated locations around Metro Jackson (abandoned buildings, under bridges, etc) and minister to the people who live in these areas but cannot make it to the OC.

Some of the folks that have told me that they are going are: Me, Aaron Albright, Josh/Courtney Friedel, and Melanie Gibson.  I will text you more information on Wed.  Also, you can check out the Jackson Street Ministries website  @ MalcomWoody.com...or just google Jackson Street Ministries.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mission Opportunity

Joshua and Courtney Friedel are going to We Will Go Ministries in downtown Jackson on Saturday morning, December 18th.  If you would like to meet them there and participate in that morning's mission activities, please let me or Josh/Courtney know.  

Also, I am working on getting more information on a Homeless Ministry that operates in downtown Jackson.  I should have that info for the class this Sunday, December 12.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday School December 5

Our study this week comes from Lesson 5 in our SS book. The title of the lesson is "Incarnational Discipleship." The incarnational discipleship model is physical, active, and tangible. It equates worship with activity. Whereas Personal Discipleship focuses inward, incarnational discipleship focuses outward. Within the framework of the incarnational model, people grow in their knowledge and relationship with Christ by seeking to become His hands and feet through service and outreach to others. (adapted from pg 97 in our SS book) 

Patty and I will see you Sunday!!

The Blessing1

Throughout the recent Thanksgiving holidays, I heard numerous people proclaim how "blessed" they were.  What most usually meant was that they were "blessed" to have a job; or they were "blessed" with their family; or they were"blessed" because they were financially secure, etc., etc. Granted, these are real blessings, but what does the Bible say about what it means to be "blessed?"  I want to share three devotionals built around this idea of "blessing."

The first has to do not with "being blessed," but how we can BE a blessing to others.

In 1 Peter 3:8, the converted fisherman explains 5 ways that we can be a blessing to others... here's how:

1. Live in harmony with others- Harmony means a unity of spirit and thought. See Rom. 12:16 and Phil 2:5
2. Be sympathetic towards others-which means to "suffer together." See 1Cor 12:26
3. Love people within the family of faith. See the definition of "love" in 1Cor 13:4-8
4. Be compassionate towards others-The word "compassionate" means "pitiful." It also has the idea of being tenderhearted and affectionately sensitive.
5. Show humility- Humility is the opposite of pride. See Jesus' example in Phil 2:6ff.

Alot of us want to be "blessed"...and I will share some thoughts about HOW to be blessed in the next devotional, but in the meantime, why don't we make it our prayer to BE A BLESSING to others!

Monday, November 8, 2010

November Girls Night In

I am not a fan of the cold weather, so I thought we could do a Girls Night IN for November.

Friday, November 19th 6:30 (or whatever time you can get here!)
Farmington Station
423 Fenway Dr
Brandon, MS 39047

Wear your comfy, cozy clothes and we'll have some wintery food...maybe chili, rotel, hot chocolate! If you could, let me know if you plan on coming so I can have an idea of how much food to prepare! Can't wait to see you there!!
Courtney 601-201-6745

Directions: From Lakeland, take a left onto Old Fannin Rd (towards Kroger). Go about 2 miles down Old Fannin and turn right into Farmington Station. Once in our neighborhood, take a right at the first stop sign onto Ashton Way. First left on Greensboro. First left on Fenway Dr. We are all the way at the end, in the cul-de-sac. Second house on the left past the stop sign. I'm bad with writing out directions, so feel free to call me if you need help!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just for fun!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

I saw this on TV and Bro. Jerry asked me to make one for fun for the SS class! I didn't know our members were so talented! These were the only photos I had to play with! Sorry I couldn't include everyone!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October Girls Night Out

We had a lot of fun...and yummy food at Keifer's tonight! We almost couldn't get our chit chat in while we were stuffing our faces, but we managed! :) It was great just to get out and have a relaxing night hanging with the girls!!!

I hope to see the rest of you at next month's outing!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Calendar Stuff

*Oct 31- the trip downtown to We Will Go Ministries has been cancelled and will be rescheduled.

Harvest Carnival- Courtney Friedel is setting up a work schedule for the Harvest Carnival...btw, we need each couple to chip in 5$ instead of getting a footlong

*Nov 6- The fellowship across the street from the church at Scott/Lauren Bowers' house is scheduled for 4pm-6pm.  Scott is going to cook Hot Dogs and Hamburgers.  If you need childcare, let me know and we can schedule someone to come to the church and watch the kids.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sunday School October 17

We will continue to talk about "Intellectual Discipleship."  I will be sharing some practical ideas about how to study the Bible.  I will also be providing a "study sheet" to help you get your thoughts together on studying a particular passage of Scripture.

**AND WE ALSO HAVE DONUTS AND OJ THIS SUNDAY!!!!!* (Thanks Joshua/Courtney)

October/November Happenings!!

*October 21 (Thursday)@6:30pm...Girls Night Out@Keifers

*October 31 (Sunday)@2pm- We will be going to participate in a worship service at "We Will Go Ministries" in downtown Jackson.  The service begins at 3pm... more information will be shared in Sunday School.

*October 31 (Sunday)@5pm- Harvest Carnival at Church.  More info will be shared in Sunday School about  volunteering at our class's activity (inflatables).

*November 6 (Saturday afternoon) Fellowship @ Scott/Lauren Bowers' House

*November 7-High Attendance Day in Sunday School

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October Girls Night Out


Our next Girls Night Out will be:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Keifer's Restaurant 6:30
It will be a laid back night of fun fellowship and yummy food!!

If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Dykman at ashleyj@netdoor.com.

We had a blast at the Mosaic Shop last month...If you missed it, we would LOVE to see you at Keifer's next week!!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunday School October 10

Patty and I are looking forward to being back with you this Sunday!  Thanks to Don Reagan for teaching my class while I took a Sunday off on Oct 3rd.

Our lesson this week will be session 3 in our book.  The title of the lesson is "Intellectual Discipleship." The chapter begins on page 53.

See you Sunday!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sunday School 9/26

Hey guys! We will be finishing up our study on "Experiential Discipleship" this Sunday at 9am. We will continue to discuss what "experiential discipleship" means as well as participate in the Lord's Supper (a MAJOR "experiential discipleship" illustration).

See you Sunday!!

PS: Thanks Josh for your comments on stewardship!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Budgeting Finances, Your Marriage & God

Prior to marrying my wife, Courtney, 99% of the financial decisions I made were complete and utter disasters. I didn't make a budget, I didn't plan for the future, I spent money and when I ran out - I'd spend money I didn't have. I had credit card debt, a bad car loan and no direction - all the while thinking this is how everyone is with their money. I had to change my view on what a budget really is. A budget to me is being serious with your life decisions. Period. With the help of Dave Ramsey & Courtney, after about 6 months - The light would finally click on in my head and I would change.

Almost 4 years later - no credit card debt, no bad car loan, no debt except the mortgage and putting a name to every dollar we have - has made all the difference in the world. The everyday weight I felt about having debt was lifted and I can appreciate everything in this world so much more. It has allowed me to share with others that you can conquer your financial worries just by being realistic.

Thinking about a "budget", we need to budget for things in our everyday life that don't just deal with finances. We have to budget time for our spouses and their needs, wants and passions. Budget time with children (if you have them), We have to budget time to have fun, We have to budget time for fellowship with our friends and family. Most importantly, We have to budget time with God and prayer and the word of God - the Bible.

In the below passage of Luke 14:28-30, we learn that if you do not sit down to budget first - you will be mocked and unable to finish a vision you have set forth in your life.

Luke 14:28-30
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.

In the below passage of Corinthians, we learn that saving leads to a prospering life.

1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.

You can have a truly enjoyable life - if you budget appropriately for it.

Joshua Friedel

P.S. If you haven't gotten on board with Radio Shopping Show, You need to today and start saving money! Below is the link to learn more!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our First Girls Night Out!

We had a BLAST at The Mosaic Shop!
There were great conversations, yummy food, people showed off amazing creative talents...all-around girlie fun was had by all!! We even enjoyed intensely concentrating on making our mosaics just right. If you couldn't make it, don't worry...we decided to have a monthly night away from the hubs and kids. Oops, I meant 'Girls Night Out' so we can bond with our fellow Sunday Schoolers! :)
The next one will be in October, so be on the lookout for that email and post.
I hope to see you all at the next get-together!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday School September 12

We are beginning Chapter Two in our study from Sacred Roads:Exploring the Historic Paths of Discipleship. Chapter Two is entitled, "Experiential Discipleship" and begins on page 32. And if we have your email address, you should be getting a brief audio-devotional today sent from my secretary, Karen.

BTW...if you don't have a book, or did not study your lesson, or may be running late...COME ANYWAY!!!!

See you this Sunday!!

The Battery

According to a comment I heard on a science program on MPR the other day, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had a bet on what would power the newly invented automobiles. As we all know, Henry Ford and his choice of petrol won the bet that cost Thomas Edison (a battery proponent) a $100.

It looks like we have come full circle... now, automakers are trying to wean us off petroleum products by touting a new "eco-friendly" way of transportation with their version of a car that runs on battery power.

All of us may eventually drive battery powered cars, but I was reminded last week that even though my truck is "powered" by gasoline, I still need my battery charged if I am going to be able to drive. I know this because I left the lights on all night and they ran my battery down requiring me to get "a jump" before I could go anywhere. The battery may not be the main source of power, but I challenge you to crank your vehicle that has a full tank of gas without a charged up battery!

As I have been preaching lately, the Holy Spirit is the Christian's "battery." He serves the purpose of getting us going and keeping us going. And without a "fully charged" life, we can't walk in obedience or grow in godliness.

If your spiritual battery is dead, I hope to see you at Sunday School and Worship this Sunday...nothing recharges our spiritual batteries like the study of the Bible, fellowship with other believers, and a time of annointed worship.

PS: Thanks Jeff for coming to my house and "jumping off" my truck!!
PSS: Francis Chan's book entitled The Forgotten God is a book on the Holy Spirit that I just completed...I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Gift

I sent him a text and thanked him for the gift...we text every week. He is a member of our church but he has been a part of my life since I was 14. Though over 70, he texts like a teenager. In fact, he said that the learned to text so he could talk to his grandchildren...how many grandparents would go to that trouble?

I thanked him for the gift...a magazine subscription. I also thanked him for the fish...he left them in the freezer at the church. And while I was thanking him in a text message, I was also thanking Him in my heart...for bringing him into my life when I was 14.

While my parents were divorcing, he was taking me fishing, hunting, and out to lunch. He was helping me thru a rough time by giving me the "gift" of his time...how many folks would go to that trouble?

I have been blessed by his friendship thru the years. He is still giving me the gift of his time...we went fishing the other day at his deer camp and caught bream until we were tired of pulling them in. I have often thought of what gift I have given him? Am not really sure, but the gift of is friendship for over 35 years reminds me how important it is to have people in your life that really care about you.

Give a gift today...a thank you; a call; a visit...let someone know how grateful you are to have been given the gift of having their lives intersect with yours.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Blackberry

I was sitting at the bar at Primos Restaurant last Monday knockin back some green beans and baked squash when I looked around and saw two other guys doing the same. I don't know where they had been before they came in for lunch, but I had just attended a funeral and was trying to grab a bite before heading back to the office.

One similarity between all three of us, besides the fact that we were eating alone, was that we held our forks in one hand and our Blackberry's in the other...eating and texting; or eating and surfing; or eating and checking email...that's what I was doing...checking e-mail.

I had called a member of my SS class to join me for lunch but got his VM...and at such a late hour (1pm), I never tried to call anyone else...I figured me and the Blackberry would just belly up and enjoy a nice, "productive" meal together. And that is the way most people think today...they are just as comfortable spending time with their electronic gadgets than with other people. I was forced to do so, but the guys to my left and right seemed as if this was a regular lunchtime habit...fork in one hand and phone in the other.

Henry David Thoreau said that during his time, people, in an attempt to be distracted from their lives, would "visit the Post Office." Today, we just turn on the TV, radio, stuff our ears with buds, and what ever else we can find to occupy our time...but why do we have to "occupy our time?" Why cant we just sit...listen...engage others around us...and take a break from having to read the latest article, e-mail or send an urgent text?

Psalm 46:10 tells us to "be still and know He is God." That is best accomplished when you can put the phone down, get away from the computer or TV, and turn off that Ipod.

That Blackberry, Iphone, laptop, or Droid is not your "friend"....it is a tool. And sometimes, you need to leave your "tool" in the car or at the office so that you can slow down and see God in the daily activities of your life.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Girls Night Out

We will have a Girls Night Out at The Mosaic Shop (in the same shopping center with Margaritas at the corner of Pear Orchard and County Line) on Friday, Sept 3rd from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

They have projects from $12 - $45 (lots of super cute ones for around $20). You get to pick out whatever you want and the price includes all the materials you need to make your very own mosaic!

They will allow us to bring in food and drinks, so I thought it would be fun to have some light
finger foods. We don't need everyone to bring something (and I definitely don't want anyone stressing over it)...but IF you have the desire to bring an item, let me know.

It's going to be a great Girls Night Out!!

If you have any questions, please let me know...Courtney 601-201-6745 or friedel4281@bellsouth.net

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Albino

Somebody sent me a picture of an albino baby deer. He was mostly white with a few patches of brown. He had pink eyes...as most albinos do.

I have never seen an albino deer, other than that picture, but I did have an albino friend in 1st grade. His dad was the principal of our school, and his son Bliss was my best friend. Bliss had snow white hair, a gangly kind of run, green lens in his coke-bottle thick glasses, and a loud, high-pitched voice...and me as a friend.

Nobody wanted to be friends with Bliss because he could not go out in the sun... he also acted unsociable at times, and was generally misunderstood....but I liked Bliss. He was funny, had kind of "snort" when he laughed, and made me his friend. And though I didn't have a pigment problem, I was like Bliss in that neither of us was ever too comfortable around crowds. I was a scrawny first grader and the other kids picked on me because I was small, and they picked on Bliss because he was different...we were a match made in Heaven!

It is hard to like/love people that are "different." But I remember a story in the Bible where King David befriend a young man that was different. His name was Mephibosheth and he was a cripple. He had no friends or source of income due to being crippled in both feet from a boy...the victim of an overzealous nursemaid who was fleeing for their lives when she dropped him and damaged his feet.

David befriended Mephibosheth because he was the son of his best, and now deceased friend, Jonathan. David said to Mephibosheth in 2Samuel 9:7, "I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan."

There are people around us who need to be shown friendship "for the sake of OUR Father in Heaven." People who may be unlovable, handicapped, or just seemingly always on the outside looking in.

Look for that Bliss, or that Mephibosheth today and show them kindness for the "sake of your Father in Heaven."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Owl

Owls have a reputation for being wise... and they may be (wise that is). But I saw one last week that demonstrated "coolness under pressure."

I was sitting on my patio when I heard a cacophony of sound coming from some Hawks. I walked down to the woods where I heard the commotion. I saw an owl surrounded by three young hawks and they were screeching at that owl at a decibel that ruined my meditation time.

After a few minutes, a small murder of crows arrived...they, too, crowed at the owl with unbelievable intensity. All the while, the owl just sits, stares, looks around, and bats his eyes...he eventually flew off with both crows and hawks continuing their gang behavior by smothering him in flight...but you could tell that the owl was unconcerned by their "thugish" actions and seemingly oblivious to their disdain.

How do you handle pressure? At work? At home? Within your relationships?

The Apostle Paul stated that there was a time when he was "hard-pressed on every side." (2Cor 4:8) In an earlier chapter in 2Cor, he revealed that "he was under pressure far beyond his ability to endure" and thought that he would be crushed by his circumstances and swamped by the storm of difficulty he was facing (2Cor 1:8-9) BUT, Jesus delivered him. As he puts it,
"Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead." 2Cor 1:9

If you have people crowing at you today...and trying to push your buttons; or if you feel that your circumstances are a weight too heavy to bear, then do as Paul did and turn things over to Jesus and learn how to rely on Him instead of trust in yourself.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Party!

Everyone should have received an evite by now announcing our party this Saturday night at 6pm in The Harbor (youth bldg). If you did not receive an evite, text me your email and I will make sure that you get a special invitation!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Garbage Truck

I can hear the garbage truck coming on Tuesday mornings before I even leave the house for my morning run.  The distant rumbling reminds me that if I have not taken the garbage to the street, then I only have about 10 minutes before its too late.

Even though the Garbage Truck makes a distinctive sound, the smell is even more unique.  Not many things smell as bad as a garbage truck.  The only thing that comes near is the T-Shirt that was washed with the dirty dish rags! Enough to gag a maggot!

As I prepare to run past the garbage truck as it makes its way into my cul-de-sac, I hold my breath and hope the wind does not blow the smell my way as I take a breath.  I don't see how those guys on the back of the truck handle the smell all day... they must have had their olfactory nerves removed!

Did you know that YOU have a smell? A SPIRITUAL smell? The Bible says, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." (2Cor. 2:15-16)  

Don't forget that as a child of God you "are the aroma of Christ." All the more reason to live out a positive witness.... a negative witness will make people think that we've been "washed with the dirty dish rags!"


We have a fellowship planned for Saturday night, August 14 at The Harbor.  As you know, The Harbor is our Youth/Education Bldg with a full kitchen, worship space, Wii, Xbox's, pool tables, etc.  We will have a blast!  I will get you some more information about the meal, drinks, etc.  

I am going to invite several new couples to our church who fit into our age range (25-32 young marrieds) to join us for this time of fellowship....I hope that you will do the same.  This will be a good time to introduce new people to our class and our church.

Patty and I are excited about this evening and look forward to seeing you back in Sunday School on August 1!

Sunday School July 25

Hey Guys!  What a great class last Sunday!  It was good to have Chris and Mindy Beard back after the birth of their son.

We have a special guest teacher this Sunday since I will be out preaching in revival.  Our teacher this Sunday is Buddy Blackwell...Buddy is Mindy Beard's dad.  He taught several of you in Sunday School when you were in youth ministry.  Pray for Buddy as he prepares to teach this Sunday and show up with a receptive heart to hear from the Spirit!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Subversive Christian

Eugene Peterson, in his book, The Contemplative Pastor, discusses the idea of the "subversive christian." The Suberversive Christian blends into the culture and shares the gospel in a way that is non-threatening and unobtrusive...more "matter of fact" than anything else ( my favorite is Peterson's discussion on "Jesus the Subversive" on page 32...he discusses how Jesus used Parables in a subversive manner to communicate the Kingdom without even mentioning the name "God.")

Here is an example....I was sitting with a teenager watching a group of students play basketball today and struck up a "spiritual conversation." I asked her, in a very conversational manner, about her spiritual life. Long story short, I eventually moved the conversation into a more secular direction and we talked about anything and everything of interest to her...but not before I had the chance to talk about spiritual things in a non-threatening and unobtrusive manner...how threatening is sitting on the ground and enjoying a game of pick-up basketball?

After I spoke at tonight's worship servic, she came forward and accepted Jesus as her Savior...I really think that it was because I took the time to get to know her a little better and talk about her interests at the afternoon basketball game...an example of sharing the gospel in an intential, "subversive" manner. Maybe you could try that at your office....or your school, or maybe even at your next social gathering.

If we are going to save a lost and dying world, we have got to get into the culture and make Jesus known! Without hitting people over the head with a King James Version of the Bible!

The Distraction

I was listening to a spokesperson for AAA Auto Club last week talk about "Distracted Driving.' His main focus was on the dangers of texting and driving as well as allowing others to divert our attention from the road while we were behind the wheel. He said that distractions come from three areas: Physical Distractions that cause us to take our hands off the wheel...Visual Distractions that cause us to take our eyes off the road...and Mental Distractions that cause us to mentally "zone out" instead of paying attention to our surroundings while we drive.

As I was listening to this guy talk about Distracted Driving, I thought about Distracted Discipleship...and all the many ways that we get distracted from our walk with Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that we should "fix our eys on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith." But there is usually something that distracts our attention from Jesus and causes us to direct our gaze elsewhere....what is that distraction for you?

Disctracted Discipleship is as much a problem as Distracted Driving. Lets stay vigilante and persevere in our spiritual race with Jesus...and KEEP our eyes FIXED on Him!!

Youth Camp

I wanted to let all of you know that the Youth Camp I am leading at Romar Beach Baptist Retreat in Orange Beach, AL is going great! It was raining this morning and we can't go to the beach due to the oil spill, but nevertheless, God is moving in an awesome way! The worship team from FBC Magnolia is doing a great job of leading us in worship. They are a talented group of young people! The fellowship time and small group discussion is going well as the students begin to gel. Keep us in your prayers!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

No Sunday School July 4th

Hey Guys,

No Sunday School on July 4th. We have a choir presentation during worship and a hamburger cookout after church.

BTW, pray for me next week as I lead a Youth Camp of about 120 students. I will be sharing two messages a day from Monday until Saturday.... three churches from south Mississippi have asked me to join them for their summer camp in Orange Beach, AL and I am excited about what God is going to do next week!....*Bro. Jerry

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sunday's Message

The title for this Sunday's message is "A Just, Punishing, and Marvelous God!"  The message will be developed out of those three words (or derivatives of) from 2 Thess 1.  Many people do not like to think of God as "punishing," but that is exactly what 2 thess. 1:8 says..."He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus."  And the reason that He will "punish" the unbeliever is because He is a "just" God... a God of "justice." 

In all of our understanding of God as a God of grace and mercy, we forget (or choose to ignore) that He is also a God of justice.  I hope to see you Sunday as we explore this biblical assertion about God. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Horsefly

The Bible says that the devil is like a roaring lion roaming the earth and trying to devour people. The Bible also says that he can masquerade as an angel of light and look like one of the good guys. And if you believe the story in Genesis (and I do) he can also take the form of a snake.

But I like the analogy that the devil is like a horsefly.  While Patty and I were getting in our daily run last Monday morning around 6, we were both having to swat horseflies off our heads and backs!  How annoying!  We tried to outrun them but we couldn't...we moved to the other side of the road and that didn't help.  Finally, after one stung me, he left me alone and I was able to finish my run with a whelp on my arm...ouch!( I needed some of my mawmaws Garrett Snuff juice!)

The devil does the same thing to me as I go about my daily tasks...swarming around me; trying to bite me; making me change directions; and just generally making my life miserable. According to the Bible, the way to deal with the devil who is making himself as annoying as a horsefly is to:

1. Flee from him...stop giving him  a place in your environment.
2. Talk back to him with Scripture...that's what Jesus did when the devil made a horsefly out of himself in Mt 4.
3.And if you get bit by the devil and give in to his lies, then confess your sin and start over. 1Jn 1:9

Watch out for the horseflies this week and Patty and I will see you Sunday!

Sunday School News for June 27

*We are having our last lesson on the Love Dare Bible Study this Sunday.  The lesson will be a summary of all 8 weeks.  I hope that you can make it!!  I have certainly been missing some of you!

*No Sunday School on July 4th!!  We have a church-wide fellowship that morning so bring a covered dish and join us for the choir celebration of Jesus!

*On Sunday, July 11, we begin a new study in SS.  The title of the study is Radical written by David Platt.  It will be a study that will challenge us in our walks with Jesus.  See you Sunday!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Praying for Your Spouse

Hey Guys! In Sunday School tomorrow (June 13), we are going to be talking about how to pray for your spouse...Hope all of you can make it!....*Bro. Jerry

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Water Heater

Early Monday morning, my wife said, "we don't have any hot water!" I immediately thought that we had run out of propane so I ran outside and checked the gauge....20%!  That wasn't the problem.

Then I thought, "Maybe the pilot light went out?" So I climbed the stairs, went into the attic, and looked at the water heater...sure enough, no blue flame.

Now, the dilemma...do I call one of the men in the church to come light my pilot, or do I attempt to do so myself?  I had heard stories of exploding water heaters and was a bit timid about attempting such a simple task...I am NOT a handy man!!  For example, I took the back off the toilet and pulled the plug myself for a month because I didn't know how to attach the chain to the lever!  (Just kidding...I'm not that stupid)  

After considering all the things that could go wrong, and the fact that I had not had my shower yet, I reluctantly struck the match and successfully got our hot water back!! I didn't blow up the house or catch the insulation on fire! Mission accomplished!

Not many of us "spiritual handy-mans." When something goes wrong in our lives, oftentimes we don't know whether to try to fix the problem ourselves or call someone else for help. Personally, I think that it depends on the problem.  Some problems can be fixed on our own with a little more prayer, bible study, or encouragement.  On the flip side, some problems require assistance from someone trained in that area. For example, I may be able to light a pilot, but I certainly could not install a water heater!  Along the same line, you may be able to handle a day or two of melancholy, but you are certainly not equipped to diagnosis depression...that's when you need some help.

If I can ever be that "someone" that you need to help you thru a time of difficulty, don't hesitate to call. And heck, if you need to have the pilot to your water heater lit, I can do that too!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Perfect Game

I got home from church last night in time to watch the last three innings of the Indians/Tigers baseball game.  Since I listen to Sports Radio on the way home from church, I knew that the pitcher for the Tigers had pitched 7 innings of no hit, no runs, no errors, and no walks baseball....thus, "A Perfect Game" thru 7 innings.

To make a long story short, the game stayed "perfect" for almost 9 innings...in fact, there was only one more out to go until the game would go into the record book as the 20th Perfect Game ever pitched (and the third of 2010).  BUT, this is where the problem comes in; on an infield grounder that would have ended the game, the umpire called the runner "Safe" instead of "Out."  Which would have been fine had he been out...BUT,  he was "Safe," and the video-replay proved it.  A Perfect Game down the tubes and a pitcher's dream dashed due to a missed call.

But to me, this was a Perfect Game in the Eyes of God because Christian principles were employed after the busted call....the pitcher was gracious and compassionate when he said about the umpire, "Nobody's perfect." And the umpire was sincerely humble when he apologized and said, "I just cost that kid a Perfect Game."  The qualities of compassion and humility were demonstrated by the offender as well as the offend-ed.  Two qualities that I preached on a couple of Sundays ago in a message entitled, "How to Forgive Like Jesus." (Col. 3:12-14)

Here are some lessons we can learn from that Perfect Game:
1. Nobody's perfect...not even you.
2. All of us have blown it at times...even you.
3. Compassion and grace needs to be practiced by more Christians...and that includes all of us!

See you Sunday!!

Sunday School June 6

Hey guys!  Patty and I are looking forward to being back in Sunday School with you this Sunday, June 6.  We will be studying "Covenant Marriage" from our Love Dare Bible Study!...*Bro Jerry

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No Sunday School This Sunday May 30

Hey Guys! We will not have Sunday School this Sunday for two reasons:
*Patty and I are going to Fort Benning in Columbus GA to visit our son who is in the military.
*Memorial Day Holiday with alot of people out of town.

On another note...Mindy Beard had a little boy last night (Wed. 5/25)...Pray for her, Chris and baby Brayden.  

Monday, May 24, 2010

Visitors on May 23

We welcomed three visitors to our class last Sunday...Hollis/Amy Collier and Heather Head.  Hollis and Amy are a part of our Mother's Day Out ministry and visited our church for the first time.  Heather and her husband Keith are members of Wynndale where she sings in the choir and Keith is a teacher in our Youth ministry.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sunday School May 9

Hey guys!  Our Sunday School lesson this Sunday is about how we can show love to our spouse (Session 5 in Love Dare Bible Study).  We will be looking at several verses with an emphasis on the 1 Cor. 13:4-7 passage.  Bring your Bible and join us this Sunday...even if you have never been before!!  And come even if you are going to be late!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Watch

My son is serving in the military at Fort Jackson, S.C.  Before going to Ft. Jackson, he did his Basic Combat Training at Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma.

One of the primary activities of all military personnel is P.T (Physical Training).  They run, do push ups, sit ups, and then run some more.  My son wanted a Sports Watch so he could time his runs and so I ordered him a Timex Triathlon Sport from Amazon.com. They shipped it to him at his post (military installation) and he was excited about being able to monitor his progress.  

Being young, naive, and careless,he left his new watch on his bunk (bed) while he showered one day and someone stole it.  My son saw his watch on the wrist of one of the other soldiers and reported him to the Sargent.  The thief was written up on an Article 15 violation and ordered to pay restitution to the Army in the amount of one month's pay...$1000.00.  Can you believe that!  A $50 watch cost him a thousand bucks!

But then again, what a lesson in the consequences of sin!  How many times have you and I paid dearly for a sin that we have committed?  We committed a $50 sin that carried a thousand dollar consequence!  

I know that you are enjoying my new picture.  My computer has some kind of technological ability to affect my facial features and make them look like I came from outer space!  Along the same line, sin has the ability to affect our lives in such a way that we don't recognize ourselves and say like Paul, "What I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate to do." (Romans 7)

Stay alert my brothers...the devil is a roaring lion and he is on the prowl! Do not let sin be your master and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Baby Sawyer

Please pray for Matt and Ashley's little boy that was born last Friday. His name is Sawyer and he has some kidney problems. He was taken to a hospital in Birmingham, AL yesterday for dialysis. Matt and Ashley are with him and they are very concerned. Please keep this family in your prayers ....*Bro Jerry

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Scott and Lauren Bowers with new baby Emily!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Reject

A quick Google Search will yield the Top 20 Illegitimate Children in history. The ranks include Pope Clement VII, the once spiritual head of the Catholic Church; Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon's wife, Josephine; Marilyn Monroe; and James Smithson, the inceptor of the Smithsonian Institution. Not a bad list for kids whose parents just hooked up!

The list of the Top 20 Illegitimate Children is missing one very important person...Jephthah, the 9th Judge of the nation of Israel (See Judges 11). He had an adulterous dad and a prostitute for a mom. He REALLY DID have a prostitute for a mom...unlike WR Dez Bryant who was the Dallas Cowboys 24th pick in the first round in last weekend's NFL draft. In a pre-draft interview, the General Manager of the Miami Dolphins asked Bryant if his mother was a prostitute...ouch! He apologized today for his classless inquiry.

In addition to having a mom and dad of questionable character, Jephthah had several jealous brothers who led a crusade to run him out of town. But even with his tarnished family background,God was able to use him to lead the nation of Israel to a military victory over the hated Ammonites.

You should read the story...its not that long....and it will remind you that no one is disqualified for God's service if he comes with a humble and willing heart to be used...even if your mother WAS a prostitute! ...*Bro. Jerry

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome New Members!

We had two new couples yesterday in Sunday School! They are Wes/Melanie Gibson and Scott/Valerie Davis. Welcome!

There were 28 present in class yesterday and we had a lively discussion about how we should "study our spouse." We discussed learning more about our spouse's spiritual history, family relationships, and events of the past that can impact the present and future health of your marriage. Have a great week! ...*Bro Jerry

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunday, April 25 Lesson

Based on what you know about your spouse's likes and dislikes, what degree do you hold in your marriage? A Master's degree? A Doctorate? A GED? Are you still in Elementary School? Our lesson this week will be on "Understanding Your Spouse" from Session 4.

Invite a friend and join us at 9AM this Sunday...even if you have never attended before!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Elaeagnus Bush

One of my friends had a disagreement with his weekend neighbor over some minor irritation. They both had cabins on a lake, and the neighbor had to look across the property of my friend to enjoy the beauty of the lake. After their little dust up, my friend went to Callaways Yard and Garden and asked for information about the "fastest growing hedge" they sold...they said, "the elaeagnus bush." My friend bought 30 or so bushes and promptly went to his lake house and planted a hedgerow so as to block the view of the lake from his neighbor.

He was relentless in his care for the elaeagnus bushes...he watered them each day with a mixture of Miracle Grow and bitterness. And boy did they thrive! They grew as fast as his resentment, and after several growing seasons, the neighbors view of the prettiest part of the lake was completely cut off!

The Apostle Paul counseled the christians at Ephesus, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32) Here's the application:
1. If you are considering buying some elaeagnus bushes...DON"T!
2. If you have planted some elaeagnus bushes in your marriage...STOP WATERING THEM!
3. If you consider how much the Lord has forgiven you, I'm sure you should be able to find some kind of tool of forgiveness to CUT THOSE BUSHES DOWN! .....*Bro Jerry

Friday, April 16, 2010

Out and About - Who dat?

Two of our class members, Courtney & Joshua Friedel Went to Super Bowl 44
and supported the Who Dat? Nation in January of this year. Joshua says, "We loved Miami, Florida and the people there were really great and it was capped off by an incredible football game! IT was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity for
Courtney & I and we were very fortunate to have gone to the Super Bowl - Even though, my heart bleeds NY Jets, for one important day, It was all about the Saints for us and watching history unfold."

Go Saints!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Blog Site!

Thanks to Ashley Dykman for getting our blog set up and going. We will use this space to share thoughts, devotionals, pictures, and prayer requests. It will serve as a good way for all of us to stay connected for the purpose of encouraging one another in our walks with Jesus as well as strengthening one another in the trials/tribulations of life.

Thanks Ashley!!

Bro. Jerry