The first has to do not with "being blessed," but how we can BE a blessing to others.
In 1 Peter 3:8, the converted fisherman explains 5 ways that we can be a blessing to others... here's how:
1. Live in harmony with others- Harmony means a unity of spirit and thought. See Rom. 12:16 and Phil 2:5
2. Be sympathetic towards others-which means to "suffer together." See 1Cor 12:26
3. Love people within the family of faith. See the definition of "love" in 1Cor 13:4-8
4. Be compassionate towards others-The word "compassionate" means "pitiful." It also has the idea of being tenderhearted and affectionately sensitive.
5. Show humility- Humility is the opposite of pride. See Jesus' example in Phil 2:6ff.
Alot of us want to be "blessed"...and I will share some thoughts about HOW to be blessed in the next devotional, but in the meantime, why don't we make it our prayer to BE A BLESSING to others!