Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Garbage Truck

I can hear the garbage truck coming on Tuesday mornings before I even leave the house for my morning run.  The distant rumbling reminds me that if I have not taken the garbage to the street, then I only have about 10 minutes before its too late.

Even though the Garbage Truck makes a distinctive sound, the smell is even more unique.  Not many things smell as bad as a garbage truck.  The only thing that comes near is the T-Shirt that was washed with the dirty dish rags! Enough to gag a maggot!

As I prepare to run past the garbage truck as it makes its way into my cul-de-sac, I hold my breath and hope the wind does not blow the smell my way as I take a breath.  I don't see how those guys on the back of the truck handle the smell all day... they must have had their olfactory nerves removed!

Did you know that YOU have a smell? A SPIRITUAL smell? The Bible says, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." (2Cor. 2:15-16)  

Don't forget that as a child of God you "are the aroma of Christ." All the more reason to live out a positive witness.... a negative witness will make people think that we've been "washed with the dirty dish rags!"