Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Subversive Christian

Eugene Peterson, in his book, The Contemplative Pastor, discusses the idea of the "subversive christian." The Suberversive Christian blends into the culture and shares the gospel in a way that is non-threatening and unobtrusive...more "matter of fact" than anything else ( my favorite is Peterson's discussion on "Jesus the Subversive" on page 32...he discusses how Jesus used Parables in a subversive manner to communicate the Kingdom without even mentioning the name "God.")

Here is an example....I was sitting with a teenager watching a group of students play basketball today and struck up a "spiritual conversation." I asked her, in a very conversational manner, about her spiritual life. Long story short, I eventually moved the conversation into a more secular direction and we talked about anything and everything of interest to her...but not before I had the chance to talk about spiritual things in a non-threatening and unobtrusive manner...how threatening is sitting on the ground and enjoying a game of pick-up basketball?

After I spoke at tonight's worship servic, she came forward and accepted Jesus as her Savior...I really think that it was because I took the time to get to know her a little better and talk about her interests at the afternoon basketball game...an example of sharing the gospel in an intential, "subversive" manner. Maybe you could try that at your office....or your school, or maybe even at your next social gathering.

If we are going to save a lost and dying world, we have got to get into the culture and make Jesus known! Without hitting people over the head with a King James Version of the Bible!