Many trestle's are high off the ground, and if you get caught on one when a train comes, you either have to jump off the trestle or else get run over by the train! And a jump from 30-40 feet in the air could prove to be "uncomfortable!"
My grandfather would never walk across a trestle. We always walked underneath the trestle across a dried up creek or waded thru a shallow stream. Even though I never saw a train on those RR tracks headed to our favorite squirrel hunting spot, my grandfather said that the chance was too great that we would meet a train while on the trestle and therefore have to jump...a chance he didn't want to take with his young grandson.
Many christians are taking chances today by walking across "trestles" and hoping that a train doesn't come. For example:
-Married folks who spend too much time with the opposite sex and "hoping" that they can remain pure and devoted to their spouse.
-Hanging with the wrong crowd and "hoping" that they don't get sucked into a secular lifestyle, instead of drawing some boundaries and becoming the "influencer" instead of the "influenced."
-Taking some "time off" from worship and fellowship with other believers and "hoping" that your spiritual journey is not effected.
My grandfather knew that the small amount of time that we would save by "walking the trestle" was not worth the chance of getting run over by a train!
Are we walking "spiritual trestles" and taking chances with our discipleship?