Hey guys! We will be finishing up our study on "Experiential Discipleship" this Sunday at 9am. We will continue to discuss what "experiential discipleship" means as well as participate in the Lord's Supper (a MAJOR "experiential discipleship" illustration).
See you Sunday!!
PS: Thanks Josh for your comments on stewardship!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Budgeting Finances, Your Marriage & God
Prior to marrying my wife, Courtney, 99% of the financial decisions I made were complete and utter disasters. I didn't make a budget, I didn't plan for the future, I spent money and when I ran out - I'd spend money I didn't have. I had credit card debt, a bad car loan and no direction - all the while thinking this is how everyone is with their money. I had to change my view on what a budget really is. A budget to me is being serious with your life decisions. Period. With the help of Dave Ramsey & Courtney, after about 6 months - The light would finally click on in my head and I would change.
Almost 4 years later - no credit card debt, no bad car loan, no debt except the mortgage and putting a name to every dollar we have - has made all the difference in the world. The everyday weight I felt about having debt was lifted and I can appreciate everything in this world so much more. It has allowed me to share with others that you can conquer your financial worries just by being realistic.
Thinking about a "budget", we need to budget for things in our everyday life that don't just deal with finances. We have to budget time for our spouses and their needs, wants and passions. Budget time with children (if you have them), We have to budget time to have fun, We have to budget time for fellowship with our friends and family. Most importantly, We have to budget time with God and prayer and the word of God - the Bible.
In the below passage of Luke 14:28-30, we learn that if you do not sit down to budget first - you will be mocked and unable to finish a vision you have set forth in your life.
Luke 14:28-30
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.
In the below passage of Corinthians, we learn that saving leads to a prospering life.
1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.
You can have a truly enjoyable life - if you budget appropriately for it.
Joshua Friedel
P.S. If you haven't gotten on board with Radio Shopping Show, You need to today and start saving money! Below is the link to learn more!
Almost 4 years later - no credit card debt, no bad car loan, no debt except the mortgage and putting a name to every dollar we have - has made all the difference in the world. The everyday weight I felt about having debt was lifted and I can appreciate everything in this world so much more. It has allowed me to share with others that you can conquer your financial worries just by being realistic.
Thinking about a "budget", we need to budget for things in our everyday life that don't just deal with finances. We have to budget time for our spouses and their needs, wants and passions. Budget time with children (if you have them), We have to budget time to have fun, We have to budget time for fellowship with our friends and family. Most importantly, We have to budget time with God and prayer and the word of God - the Bible.
In the below passage of Luke 14:28-30, we learn that if you do not sit down to budget first - you will be mocked and unable to finish a vision you have set forth in your life.
Luke 14:28-30
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.
In the below passage of Corinthians, we learn that saving leads to a prospering life.
1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.
You can have a truly enjoyable life - if you budget appropriately for it.
Joshua Friedel
P.S. If you haven't gotten on board with Radio Shopping Show, You need to today and start saving money! Below is the link to learn more!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Our First Girls Night Out!
We had a BLAST at The Mosaic Shop!
There were great conversations, yummy food, people showed off amazing creative talents...all-around girlie fun was had by all!! We even enjoyed intensely concentrating on making our mosaics just right. If you couldn't make it, don't worry...we decided to have a monthly night away from the hubs and kids. Oops, I meant 'Girls Night Out' so we can bond with our fellow Sunday Schoolers! :)
The next one will be in October, so be on the lookout for that email and post.
I hope to see you all at the next get-together!!

Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday School September 12
We are beginning Chapter Two in our study from Sacred Roads:Exploring the Historic Paths of Discipleship. Chapter Two is entitled, "Experiential Discipleship" and begins on page 32. And if we have your email address, you should be getting a brief audio-devotional today sent from my secretary, Karen.
BTW...if you don't have a book, or did not study your lesson, or may be running late...COME ANYWAY!!!!
See you this Sunday!!
BTW...if you don't have a book, or did not study your lesson, or may be running late...COME ANYWAY!!!!
See you this Sunday!!
The Battery
According to a comment I heard on a science program on MPR the other day, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had a bet on what would power the newly invented automobiles. As we all know, Henry Ford and his choice of petrol won the bet that cost Thomas Edison (a battery proponent) a $100.
It looks like we have come full circle... now, automakers are trying to wean us off petroleum products by touting a new "eco-friendly" way of transportation with their version of a car that runs on battery power.
All of us may eventually drive battery powered cars, but I was reminded last week that even though my truck is "powered" by gasoline, I still need my battery charged if I am going to be able to drive. I know this because I left the lights on all night and they ran my battery down requiring me to get "a jump" before I could go anywhere. The battery may not be the main source of power, but I challenge you to crank your vehicle that has a full tank of gas without a charged up battery!
As I have been preaching lately, the Holy Spirit is the Christian's "battery." He serves the purpose of getting us going and keeping us going. And without a "fully charged" life, we can't walk in obedience or grow in godliness.
If your spiritual battery is dead, I hope to see you at Sunday School and Worship this Sunday...nothing recharges our spiritual batteries like the study of the Bible, fellowship with other believers, and a time of annointed worship.
PS: Thanks Jeff for coming to my house and "jumping off" my truck!!
PSS: Francis Chan's book entitled The Forgotten God is a book on the Holy Spirit that I just completed...I highly recommend it!
It looks like we have come full circle... now, automakers are trying to wean us off petroleum products by touting a new "eco-friendly" way of transportation with their version of a car that runs on battery power.
All of us may eventually drive battery powered cars, but I was reminded last week that even though my truck is "powered" by gasoline, I still need my battery charged if I am going to be able to drive. I know this because I left the lights on all night and they ran my battery down requiring me to get "a jump" before I could go anywhere. The battery may not be the main source of power, but I challenge you to crank your vehicle that has a full tank of gas without a charged up battery!
As I have been preaching lately, the Holy Spirit is the Christian's "battery." He serves the purpose of getting us going and keeping us going. And without a "fully charged" life, we can't walk in obedience or grow in godliness.
If your spiritual battery is dead, I hope to see you at Sunday School and Worship this Sunday...nothing recharges our spiritual batteries like the study of the Bible, fellowship with other believers, and a time of annointed worship.
PS: Thanks Jeff for coming to my house and "jumping off" my truck!!
PSS: Francis Chan's book entitled The Forgotten God is a book on the Holy Spirit that I just completed...I highly recommend it!
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