Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Blackberry

I was sitting at the bar at Primos Restaurant last Monday knockin back some green beans and baked squash when I looked around and saw two other guys doing the same. I don't know where they had been before they came in for lunch, but I had just attended a funeral and was trying to grab a bite before heading back to the office.

One similarity between all three of us, besides the fact that we were eating alone, was that we held our forks in one hand and our Blackberry's in the other...eating and texting; or eating and surfing; or eating and checking email...that's what I was doing...checking e-mail.

I had called a member of my SS class to join me for lunch but got his VM...and at such a late hour (1pm), I never tried to call anyone else...I figured me and the Blackberry would just belly up and enjoy a nice, "productive" meal together. And that is the way most people think today...they are just as comfortable spending time with their electronic gadgets than with other people. I was forced to do so, but the guys to my left and right seemed as if this was a regular lunchtime habit...fork in one hand and phone in the other.

Henry David Thoreau said that during his time, people, in an attempt to be distracted from their lives, would "visit the Post Office." Today, we just turn on the TV, radio, stuff our ears with buds, and what ever else we can find to occupy our time...but why do we have to "occupy our time?" Why cant we just sit...listen...engage others around us...and take a break from having to read the latest article, e-mail or send an urgent text?

Psalm 46:10 tells us to "be still and know He is God." That is best accomplished when you can put the phone down, get away from the computer or TV, and turn off that Ipod.

That Blackberry, Iphone, laptop, or Droid is not your "friend" is a tool. And sometimes, you need to leave your "tool" in the car or at the office so that you can slow down and see God in the daily activities of your life.